At BeHappy, our goal is to highlight the happy moments in average days, as people around the world do the same in their varied situations. We're looking to make a difference both in the United States and in Ghana by spreading positivity through the small, happy moments of every day. Join us as we contribute to the Fifi Soccer Foundation and spread smiles every day.

Edward Opoku has lived this saying, beginning in the village of Konongo, Odumasi, Ghana, through New York and Virginia, where he met Caroline Biondo, and ending in Columbus, Ohio where he is chasing his dream of being a professional soccer player for the Columbus Crew.
Eddie and Caroline partnered to turn Eddie's lifelong motto into "Be Happy," an impetus of change in Ghana through the Fifi Soccer Foundation, which supports orphan and underprivileged children through education and sports. BeHappy is more than a tee shirt, it is a decision to make every day a happy one.

Our #BEHAPPY shirts and bracelets are part of an expanding collection of shirts that make us smile.
Our tee-shirts come in black and white and are 100% cotton and short sleeved.
Long sleeve shirts are a poly-blend, and feature our logo on the back.
Bracelets are made in Ghana and support local, Ghanaian business.
Stickers are waterproof vinyl featuring the BeHappy logo.
To order, follow this link